Why is My Sundew Not Sticky?

Why Your Sundew has No Dew

Is your sundew no longer producing as much dew as before? Or has the plant dried up completely? A sundew that does not have dew means it is not growing properly, so you need to give it the right attention. This article explains what you have to do. Lack of sunlight is the most likely … Read more

Do Sundews Go Into Dormancy?

Do Sundews Go Into Dormancy

Dormancy is one of the most complex areas of plant care, and knowing as much as you can is important. This is particularly true for sundews. While most sundews do not go dormant in winter, some species do. So you have to know how to care for the plant if your variant requires dormancy. Tropical … Read more

Can You Overwater Sundews?

Can You Overwater Sundews

Sundews, as you probably know, require lots of water to grow. These plants like wet conditions sure, but is it possible to overwater it? This guide is going to explain what you need to know so your sundews are not over or under watered. And the rules are quite simple actually. Sundews prefer high humidity … Read more

Why is My Sundew Going Black?

Why is My Sundew Going Black

You have been admiring your sundew for a while, but now you see the leaves have turned black. Any time leaves turn brown or worse black is not a good sign, right? Fortunately all is not lost for your plant. This article reveals the possible causes and solutions. Sundew leaves usually turn black for two … Read more

How to Revive a Dying Sundew

How to Revive a Dying Sundew

Sundews are among the most beautiful carnivorous plants and their ways of capturing and eating insects are fascinating. They are relatively easy to care for, but what do you do when its leaves turn brown and there is no dew? Is your sundew dying? Is there anything you can do? Signs of a dying sundew … Read more

How Long Do Sundew Plants Live?

How Long Do Sundew Plants Live

Sundews are among the most interesting carnivorous plants in the world, with more than 200 variants that you can grow. Once you get one you will want to do everything possible to keep the plant alive. And this brings up the question: how long can sundew plants live? Healthy sundews can live up to 50 … Read more

How Do You Prune a Sundew?

How Do You Prune a Sundew

As sundews grow they will produce more and more leaves. This is fine in most cases, but when they get unwieldy, will pruning help? Trimming is done on most plants so should you do the same with sundews? In this article we explain how you can prune sundews and if it is required. All you … Read more

Do Sundews Need to Sit in Water?

Do Sundews Need to Sit in Water

If you are new to the world of sundews or drosera, one of the things you have to learn right away is watering. Sundews need a lot of it, but too much can result in mold or even root rot. In this article you will learn how to properly water sundews and if sitting the … Read more