Do Sundews Like Rain?

Do Sundews Like Rain

We know that sundews need water to survive, but what if it is raining hard? Is it okay to just leave your plant there and let it get drenched? Or should you take it indoors and provide shelter? Before the next downpour, knowing how these plants react to rain is necessary. Rain is good for … Read more

Can You Grow Sundews Indoors?

Can You Grow Sundews Indoors

Sundews make a fine addition to any garden, but there is no reason you cannot grow one indoors. If you do not have a garden or just want a sundew in your home, the set up is straightforward. Even a new plant grower can do it by following these simple tips. If your sundews is … Read more

Do Sundews Smell?

Do Sundews Smell

Sundews are pleasing to the eye thanks to their rich, deep colors. The way they lure and capture prey makes them even more captivating to plant growers. But do these carnivorous plants have any scent? Does the plant smell good or will it leave a bad odor in your house? Sundews produce a sticky dew-like … Read more

Why is My Sundew Dying?

Why is My Sundew Dying

Sundew plants are not that difficult to grow as long as you follow the right steps. If this is your first time to cultivate this plant, or you own one and it is in poor health, this guide is for you. Here we reveal the reasons why sundews can suddenly die and what preventive steps … Read more

Why is My Sundew Turning Red?

Why is My Sundew Turning Red

is your new sundew plant suddenly turning a deep red? Maybe not just the leaves but the tentacles or even the entire plant. Should this be something you should worry about or is this normal? This topic can be confusing and even alarming for a new grower, so this guide will explain it in simple … Read more

Do Sundews Like Misting?

Do Sundews Like Misting

Misting is good for houseplants in general, but what about a carnivorous plant like a drosera? Will it benefit from the occasional misting, or is heavy misting required? Or are your sundews better off without any of this? There is a lot of confusion over this topic and this article is going to clear everything … Read more

How Much Sun Do Sundews Need?

How Much Sun Do Sundews Need

With their unique colors and even more distinct feeding habits, it is no surprise that sundews have become one of the most popular carnivorous plants today. If you want to try growing one of these, it is important to know how much light they need. Are you providing too much or too little? Can you … Read more

Should I Let Sundew Flower?

Should I Let Sundews Flower

If you own a Venus flytrap or know someone who does, one of the first things you probably learned is you should not let it flower because this weakens the plant. But does this rule apply to sundews as well? Should you stop the plant from flowering? While they are both carnivorous plannts, the flowering … Read more

Do Sundews Get Root Rot?

Do Sundews Get Root Rot

Root rot is a condition that can afflict any plant and that includes sundews. Unless taken care of, this disease will spread rapidly and could be fatal to the plant. Fortunately there are ways to find out if your sundews have root rot and what remedies are available. Sundews can develop root rot if it … Read more

What Happens If You Touch a Sundew?

What Happens if You Touch a Sundew

If you have ever seen a sundew eat a bug, the thought has probably crossed your mind. What would happen if you touch the plant? Will you be stuck permanently? Will its tentacles wrap around your hand? There are a lot of misconceptions about this topic, and this article will clear things up for you. … Read more